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Make a donation to Hearts You Hold to support their ongoing mission to help migrants, immigrants, asylees and refugees.

HYH supporter

Donate to HYH

Make a general donation to HYH to support the organization, allowing us to continue doing this important work into the future.

Fund a Request

Browse individual requests, and choose to help a person in need.

Monthly Donations

Subscribe monthly to HYH to help us support our organization, and provide assistance and support to those in need.

Make a general donation

A general donation to Hearts You Hold helps to support our organization, and enables us to continue to help immigrants, migrants, and asylees refugees in communities nationwide. Thank you for your generosity and support!

A young child wearing a HYH headband.

1+ open requests

Help make an impact.

Hearts You Hold helps migrants, immigrants, asylees and refugees by helping fulfill their wants and needs. Please consider viewing the requests, and helping someone in need.

Explore open requests
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